It’s funny, I’m still on “puppy alert.” I keep thinking I “hear” their cute little puppy squeals. Sigh.

So, let’s focus on my bestest, best friends.
This is Pearl. She’s in my lap helping me write (yeah, right). Okay, at best she’s comforting me and keeping me warm.
There is nothing nicer than a kitty curled (sprawled) on one’s lap, purring away. (Well maybe a big, strong, handsome man sleeping with his arms wrapped tightly around one’s waist. :-))
It’s hard for one to type in either of those scenarios. But in this case I’m managing with my

Pearl, who is now totally belly-up, her hind end butted up against the keyboard making me have to work around her hind legs! (Like she cares.)
Pearl is either three or four-years-old now.
We got her when she was three-months-old mostly because “God” said so. (Isn’t that right, Ksaldria?) God does know best.
She came to us as a precious gem, and has remained so ever since. Besides, I always wanted to be called Mother of Pearl. Ex-hubby wouldn’t go for that name for either of my daughters. And he was allergic to cats.
Did I mention he’s an “ex?”
Everybody loves Pearl. And Pearl loves everybody!
And then there’s Miss Molly.

She’s waiting for her outing… on my half-made bed, and off her red blankie (which is much easier to wash than that big comforter I need to take to the laundry mat).
For those who are new to us, Molly is a 98-pound Coonhound. A very big dog, with very long legs..
See? Gee... she's getting a little chunky. Guess we better go on more outtings. Hmmm.
That's one "cool" Coonhound! (Okay, you're right... that's one lazy dog!) At least she's smiling.. somewhat.
Momma dog, Elsa (below), seldom changes expression. This bugs me. She always looks like she’s done something wrong, but she is actually a very good and sweet dog. I have tried to get her to smile, but she just doesn’t seem to have it in her. The only time I see her smile is when Roxzi comes home, and then only briefly.
And she will not look me in the eye. That also bugs me. Oh well.
Molly, on the other hand, is an alpha-female who not only smiles, but will look you full-on in the face! I love that dog.
Molly and I have a great bond. We read each other’s minds. I just think about a w-a-l-k, she’s up and wagging. The more imminent the departure, the more she starts nagging—very loudly! So, I try to not think the “w” word, quietly stuff a plastic grocery bag in my pocket, grab the leash and surprise her at the front door. This helps keep my nerves and eardrums intact. The ploy works about 20% of the time. And don’t even think about going, then delay. She’s one big dog who demands her outing with one big voice until you obey. Ouch!
Okay, got my friends here with me and I'm feeling MUCH better now. Thank you, gang!
Bye for now, you beautiful bloggers.
Your Pearl and my Pearl look like twins! I think it's adorable that you decided to give her the same name. Both Pearls are indeed cuddly and warm. Sadly, she isn't allowed in my room very often because Obie won't have it.