The first time we went to Bakersfield…
Excuse me? Why would we want go to Bakersfield?
Well doesn’t everyone want to visit Bakersfield?
Well, we wanted to go to see my dear friend, Cooky, who is the kids’ unofficial godfather.
Uncle Cooky used to come out and see us a couple-three times a year, but developed a medical condition that made it difficult for him to drive long distances; so, we went to him. And heck, we were sure in need of an adventure.
Well, the first time we journeyed to Bakersfield, it was a very hot spring day. I went the way you’re supposed to go from LA to Bakersfield, through the grapevine.
I hadn’t been over it in several years, and as we proceeded along with all the big-bad trucks buffeting us as they pushed past, and head winds flinging us from side to side, I realized that I had never personally driven over the dang thing.. and, I had forgotten how long the distance was. Sheesh! By the time we got to the little place at the top there, Gorman, I was a nervous wreck and I swore, I’d never go that way again.. if at all possible. It was scarier than heck!
Before we got to Gorman, the potty place and where I let the girls some lunch, I noticed a big-rig Target truck was pretty well mirroring us off the passenger side. I’d slow, it’d slow, I’d try to get ahead of it, it’d speed up. Though it was very windy, it was also very hot, and VW vans of Huck’s vintage, do not have air conditioners other than roll-down windows. (The kind you have to crank yourself, remember those?).
Roxzi had taken her black tank-top off in order to stay cool, and was wearing her cute little black with green polk-a-dot bikini bathing suit top with her shorts. After a few minutes of jockeying for position with this bozo in the Target truck, it dawned on me, he was ogling Roxzi who was riding shotgun.

“Roxzi, is that guy looking at you?” I asked nodding off to her right.
“Ewwww!” she yelled trying to rub off her heebie-jeebies. She immediately put her shirt back on and yelled out the window, “Pervert!”
She threatened to flip him off, but I subdued her. Nikki, who is a fair bit heavier, suggested they switch places to really scare him. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings… but the difference would be startling.
I settled the score (I thought) by slowing drastically. (How much slower can a VW go on an uphill climb? I think I can… I think I can… I think I can…) Downshifting, I got behind the creep. He apparently figured out my maneuver and sped on ahead.
Soooo, I don’t know, about ten minutes later, lo-and-behold, we pass the Target truck pulled off to the side of the freeway, and the driver out of the truck seemingly checking his tires.
We toodled on by waving and wishing him good riddance as we passed (and made sure he didn’t see our jestures).
Oops, it wasn’t long before the truck with a big red target symbol on the sides and back, was behind us again. I got in the slow lane and stayed there so he’d have no further view at the passenger seat. I think he got that we were on to him, and he sped off never to be seen by us again.
The rest of the trip was rather uneventful. We stayed at the Quality Inn, which was okay except for the 400-pound grasshopper that blocked our way out the sliding glass patio door that led the way to the pool for the first hour or so.
I finally got up enough nerve and shooed it away with a length of rolled up newspaper.
(Here I come to save the day, Mighty Mom is on the waaaay… )
The pool and Jacuzzi were well welcomed and utilized by the girls.
Nikki finally talked me into getting in the pool by saying, “Come on, Mom, you know you’re hot.” It was hot, but dry; I liked it. “And if you don’t think so," she added, "just ask Jim.”
Gotta love that kid!
Uncle Cooky was great and gave us the “Best of Bakersfield” tour… ummm, which was a bit unexciting; but all-in-all, we had a great time just visiting with him, as always.
Life's a journey... the fun is getting there!
Don't miss our second trip... "Bakersfield the Back Way!"
Excuse me? Why would we want go to Bakersfield?
Well doesn’t everyone want to visit Bakersfield?
Well, we wanted to go to see my dear friend, Cooky, who is the kids’ unofficial godfather.
Uncle Cooky used to come out and see us a couple-three times a year, but developed a medical condition that made it difficult for him to drive long distances; so, we went to him. And heck, we were sure in need of an adventure.
Well, the first time we journeyed to Bakersfield, it was a very hot spring day. I went the way you’re supposed to go from LA to Bakersfield, through the grapevine.
I hadn’t been over it in several years, and as we proceeded along with all the big-bad trucks buffeting us as they pushed past, and head winds flinging us from side to side, I realized that I had never personally driven over the dang thing.. and, I had forgotten how long the distance was. Sheesh! By the time we got to the little place at the top there, Gorman, I was a nervous wreck and I swore, I’d never go that way again.. if at all possible. It was scarier than heck!
Before we got to Gorman, the potty place and where I let the girls some lunch, I noticed a big-rig Target truck was pretty well mirroring us off the passenger side. I’d slow, it’d slow, I’d try to get ahead of it, it’d speed up. Though it was very windy, it was also very hot, and VW vans of Huck’s vintage, do not have air conditioners other than roll-down windows. (The kind you have to crank yourself, remember those?).
Roxzi had taken her black tank-top off in order to stay cool, and was wearing her cute little black with green polk-a-dot bikini bathing suit top with her shorts. After a few minutes of jockeying for position with this bozo in the Target truck, it dawned on me, he was ogling Roxzi who was riding shotgun.

“Roxzi, is that guy looking at you?” I asked nodding off to her right.
“Ewwww!” she yelled trying to rub off her heebie-jeebies. She immediately put her shirt back on and yelled out the window, “Pervert!”
She threatened to flip him off, but I subdued her. Nikki, who is a fair bit heavier, suggested they switch places to really scare him. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings… but the difference would be startling.
I settled the score (I thought) by slowing drastically. (How much slower can a VW go on an uphill climb? I think I can… I think I can… I think I can…) Downshifting, I got behind the creep. He apparently figured out my maneuver and sped on ahead.
Soooo, I don’t know, about ten minutes later, lo-and-behold, we pass the Target truck pulled off to the side of the freeway, and the driver out of the truck seemingly checking his tires.
We toodled on by waving and wishing him good riddance as we passed (and made sure he didn’t see our jestures).
Oops, it wasn’t long before the truck with a big red target symbol on the sides and back, was behind us again. I got in the slow lane and stayed there so he’d have no further view at the passenger seat. I think he got that we were on to him, and he sped off never to be seen by us again.
The rest of the trip was rather uneventful. We stayed at the Quality Inn, which was okay except for the 400-pound grasshopper that blocked our way out the sliding glass patio door that led the way to the pool for the first hour or so.
I finally got up enough nerve and shooed it away with a length of rolled up newspaper.
(Here I come to save the day, Mighty Mom is on the waaaay… )
The pool and Jacuzzi were well welcomed and utilized by the girls.
Nikki finally talked me into getting in the pool by saying, “Come on, Mom, you know you’re hot.” It was hot, but dry; I liked it. “And if you don’t think so," she added, "just ask Jim.”
Gotta love that kid!
Uncle Cooky was great and gave us the “Best of Bakersfield” tour… ummm, which was a bit unexciting; but all-in-all, we had a great time just visiting with him, as always.
Life's a journey... the fun is getting there!
Don't miss our second trip... "Bakersfield the Back Way!"
I remember Nikki telling me about that. Creepy truck driver o.O I still need to go on a real road trip one of these days. I've driven to San Francisco with my cousins before, but it's not quite the same as getting in a car with a bunch of your friends and going off on an adventure.