“Well, we have a bit of a dilemma.”
Generally he’s asking for money at this point.
“Um, well, Girlfriend (name withheld to protect the innocent—wait, she’s not innocent - okay, just name withheld) for some reason," he says waving his arms, rolling his eyes, and shrugging, "flushed a mousetrap down the toilet.”
“WHAT?? Oh, S * * T!!” (Excuse the pun.)
“But,” he was quick to explain, “the good news is that the trap stuck in the toilet itself, not the plumbing (whew!) and that my friend, Keaton, and I already have the old toilet out, and she’s going to buy a replacement. The problem is, it won’t fit in Keaton’s car. Can we use the van to get the new one?”
"Gladly!" I've had enough expensive plumbing problems lately.
Well, thank you, God (or Girlfriend). She did pay for everything, and the toilet has been replaced neatly and properly, all is well in that department and no real harm done.
BUT, the question remains… why did she flush a mousetrap down the toilet?
Why did she even have a mousetrap?
I did inquire if there was a mouse in the trap, thinking maybe she thought to flush it was a sanitary thing to do… kind of like a goldfish?
Perhaps she’s an animal rights activist and was trying to make a statement?
Because she’s a true blonde (or at least blonde recessive)?
Ummm… ??
Any other clever solutions to this riddle will be greatly appreciated.

Oh crap (pun intended). What did they do with the old toilet?
Perhaps this post should have been titled, "How to Build a Better Mousetrap."
To be continued... (hopefully not!)
this is quite a riddle, if it was me - i would have flushed the mousetrap down the toilet if i knew that it wouldn't get stuck and see if i could get away with it.
ReplyDeleteyep, simple solution O.o
no point thinking over it too much until the whole world knows about it
Maybe she was trying to catch an alligator with it? You know, the ones that live in the sewers? Yeeeeah...I got nothin'.