Sunday, November 16, 2008

A "Flushing" Issue

Everybody, everyone in the whole wide toilet seat bearing world, should put down both the seat and the lid!

I’m so sick of hearing women complain about men leaving the seat up. Yes, there is not much worse that getting up in the middle of the night to go potty, not turning on the light (cause heck we really are trying not to wake up), seriously waking up by plopping into a cold bowl of potty water!

Listen ladies, fellas—you too! Men have to pick up the seat, why shouldn’t we do the same with the lid? And everybody, why can’t we all just PUT IT ALL BACK DOWN--AFTER EVERY USE??!!

Who in thier right mind really wants to look in the gaping hole of a toilet! Toilets are ugly enough as it is. Beautify your bathroom… just put the lid down. Men, you are stronger, and can pick up and lower both a lid and a seat in one action.. ladies, really it’s not that hard to equalize the action of just raising and lowering the lid. The lid’s there to close that ugly thing up in the first place.

Okay, enough on the topic of toilets.

Over 25,000 words with NaNoWriMo challange... half way there! It's all down hill from here (yeah... right :-/)

1 comment:

  1. I once sat on the lid of potty in the middle of the night without looking. Not the seat, not the basin, the lid. I was still half asleep at the time and I was so confused :P

    I did figure out what was wrong before going to the bathroom though. That was weird.
